Latest Updates / Updates & Notices
York will transition to a broader approach to public health management
York University is transitioning from the current acute response to COVID-19 to one that takes a broader approach to community health management.
Reminder: Using AI tools for your assignments may be considered academic misconduct
Using AI tools on assignments and academic work – whether it’s for part of the work or its entirety – could be considered as plagiarism or cheating under York University’s Senate Policy on Academic Honesty.
York calls for immediate indoor masking
We strongly recommend wearing masks indoors and during in-person exams to reduce transmission.
York University’s COVID-19 update
Reminder to students about what you can do to stay safe on campus.
Changes to York’s public health restrictions
In line with easing public health restrictions in Toronto and across the province, York will pause its COVID-19 Vaccination Mandate, masking protocol and daily health screening, effective May 1, 2022.
Vaccine clinics open to all York students
Find out when and where vaccine clinics will be open for members of the York U community
York University’s fall 2022 campus plans
We are thrilled you will have the opportunity to enjoy an in-person university experience while remaining vigilant that COVID-19 is still with us. Below are some actions we are asking you to take to keep you and everyone safe:
York to pause mask mandate
We strongly encourage the York community to continue wearing them to help prevent the transmission of COVID-19.
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Ways to connect with Student Support & Advising
- In-person
- Virtually
- Phone
Visit the Contact SSA page for more details on hours of operation.
Email: (Please remember to include your name and reference or student number in your email.)
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