Monthly Updates: September 2021

SeptemberWhat's New?

Reinforce Our Foundation

The Letter of Accommodation Student & Faculty Portal

We have moved to a NEW way of delivering our Letters of Accommodation. Student and faculty log in to Passport York to request, review and approve letters that will be sent to the faculty portal. Faculty will be notified by e-mail and log in using passport York to receive student’s letters.  

requests made my students -- a record-breaking amount! The portal was launched on August 23, 2021.
Kindness is the New Normal and it all begins with YU.

This is a semester like no other. One thing we all have in common is that we are all adjusting to a new normal. This adjustment all begins with YU. This fall, we launched the Kindness Campaign complete with tips for spreading kindness, a Kindness Toolkit, and a list of support services for students.

Spread Kindness across our Community
page views to the Kindness Campaign website since it launched this September 2021.

Impact the Student Journey

Project Advance: Transition Program for Students with Disabilities

Project Advance is designed for students transitioning from high school to university. Virtual sessions were held from August 3rd to August 31st, 2021. Students developed self-advocacy skills, learned about resources and wellness supports, assistive technology, engaged in eClass and met peers.

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students from AMPD, ED, ES, Health, LAPS, Lassonde, Science & Schulich participated. The sessions were peer-leader driven. Workshops held included Zoom, E-Class, self-advocacy & services.
Celebrating International Students Starting their Journey at York

After 18 months of virtual events and orientations, International Student Orientation was held both virtually and in-person. In addition to online orientation, York International held 3 in-person picnics for 150 first and second year international students to meet and make connections.

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In addition to online International Student Orientation, York International held 3 in-person picnics for 150 first and second year international students.
SAVY Answers 90% of Student Questions

For the first time, SAVY achieved a 90% success rate in answering student questions. SAVY has consistently answered about 80% of student questions. Reaching 90%, even as the number of questions peaks with the beginning of term, is a huge benefit to students.

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of student questions were answered by SAVY from August 26 to September 1, 2021.
Internationalizing Curriculum through Globally Networked Learning (GNL)

This year, 12 courses will feature GNL collaborations in AMPD, LA&PS, Education, Health, and Glendon College. The GNL Project team will also be hosting free monthly information sessions and weekly drop-ins for York U faculty and staff to learn about the pedagogy, funding, and supports.

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featured courses
International Indigenous Student Exchange Program Launches this Fall 2021

This September 2021, the second edition of the Program welcomes Indigenous students from York University and their peers in Australia, Ecuador, Mexico, and the Philippines. The students will engage in weekly dialogue and collaborative projects around themes relating to Global Indigeneity. 

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Indigenous students from 7 countries will come together to collaborate and learn about topics related to Global Indigeneity.
Welcoming International Students to Campus this Fall

In collaboration with many units across campus, York International supported the arrival of 1600+ students to Canada. The Quarantine Implementation team continues to facilitate support, accommodations, webinars, and daily check-ins for international students as they prepare to join us on campus. 

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international students were supported by York University's Quarantine Implementation Team throughout their arrival in Canada this fall.
SAC Applications Now Open!

The Office of the Registrar's Student Advisory Committee (SAC) is now recruiting student representatives! Students will have the opportunity to provide input on a diverse range of initiatives, including strategic planning, the student website re-design, handbooks and much more! 

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