Monthly Updates: November 2021

NovemberWhat's New?

Reinforce Our Foundation

Virtual Education Series: "Unlearning Hate"

Student Community and Leadership Development has partnered with The Centre for Human Rights, Equity, and Inclusion to host a three-part virtual education series about recognizing, dismantling, healing and ultimately – “Unlearning Hate”.

Learn More and Register to Attend
This series is timely as we begin our return to campus and it continues to build on the work being done to address dialogue across difference and freedom of expression on campus.
Exploring 150 years through the eyes of Indigenous creators

This 10-part eLearning series, This Place: 150 Years Retold, is based on the groundbreaking and critically acclaimed graphic novel anthology. Launched this fall, each session guides participants through the stories that reflect a rich history of Indigenous resistance and resilience.

Sign-up today!
participants have attended the first 6 sessions.

Impact the Student Journey

First Student Equity & Diversity Census closes

After consultation with students and the York community, York introduced its first Student Equity & Diversity Census. Students were invited to participate from Sept. 21 to Oct. 29. Twenty per cent of York's students responded. A report will be made available on the VPS website in 2022.

Learn More about the Student Equity & Diversity Census
response rate to the 11-question Student Equity & Diversity Census.
Census Days drives survey completions

Census Days, led by SCLD, took place on Oct. 19 and 27 to help encourage students to complete the Student Equity & Diversity Census Survey. With support from volunteers across the Division, students were invited to complete the survey while being treated to candy and additional prizes.

Learn more about the Student Equity & Diversity Census
students completed the survey, with over 200 students completions as a result of Census Days.
Epilepsy and U accommodation guide released

Student Accessibility Services worked in concert with Epilepsy Toronto to create Epilepsy and U, a guide for accommodations for students with epilepsy. The website aims to educate how to support and accommodate students with seizures.

Learn more
About 300,000 Canadians (1% of the population) are affected by this seizure disorder. Each year, 1 in 2,000 is diagnosed with epilepsy.
Becoming YU launches program for international students

Becoming YU piloted its first-year program with international students in November. The Becoming YU First-Year Program provides students with a pathway of experiences that will help them succeed at the start of their journey at York University and beyond.

Learn More about Becoming YU
students enrolled in the program.
Digital marketing campaigns foster connections with prospective students

The Communications & Marketing Team successfully launched digital marketing campaigns to support student recruitment, internationalization and strategic enrolment management priorities. Campaigns engaged prospective students around the world using Google Ads, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and more.

priority programs promoted in 21 countries
Accommodations Guide for Students, Faculty and Academic Staff

SAS is part of a pan-university group aiming to support students in settings outside the classroom. The Academic Requirements in Placements, Practicums, Experiential Education and the WIL Working Group developed two resources to support the creation of effective accommodations.  



Create Our Future

Markham Campus update: Recruitment plans underway

Recruitment & Admissions, Communications & Marketing and Student Systems are developing plans to recruit and admit our first class cohort (Fall 2023) at Markham! A major milestone is the recent refresh of the Markham website where prospective students and their parents can see the program offerings.

Learn more about the Markham Campus
The Campus will open its doors in Fall 2023 and offer students innovative, relevant and job-ready undergraduate and graduate programs focused on technology, innovation and entrepreneurship.