Monthly Updates: March 2022

MarchWhat's New?

Invest in Our People

Division of Students hosts Learning Days in February

Staff learned about key findings from student journey maps developed last fall and how these findings have been applied (SAVY, SSRP and the website re-development project) during the Learning Days on Feb. 22 and 23. Participants contributed to interactive breakout sessions to pave the way forward.

Learn More About the Division of Students' Strategic Plan
Division of Students' staff and friends participated in the February Learning Days

Impact the Student Journey

Procrastination Awareness Week

Procrastination Awareness Week offers students from across North America a virtual study hall and a series of remote learning skills workshops in March. The YorkU Learning Commons will be presenting our YU Got This!: Academic Tips & Tools for End of Term workshop as part of this week.

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post-secondary institutions across North America, including York University, host Procrastination Awareness Week

The Vari Hall Kiosk re-opened in late January to support students returning to in-person activities at York's Keele Campus. The kiosk is open from Monday to Thursday and is run by the Student Engagement Team who can answer questions, such as wayfinding, services and getting involved on campus.

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inquiries that Student Engagement Ambassadors have responded to since reopening Jan. 31
Strengthening transitions through Autism Spectrum Transition Day

Autism Spectrum Transition Day provides additional support for students with autism. High school students diagnosed with autism attend a half-day workshop preparing them for the post-secondary education transition, while their guardians attend a presentation and peer-parent panel with a Q&A session.

118 people
registered for this February event that hosted school groups and families. There were great conversations with prospective students, their families and high school educators.
Black Excellence in COVID Times: Connections and Conversations Celebrating BHM

The Black Excellence at York University (BE YU) team hosted an interactive panel conversation as part of Black History Month on Feb. 23. Featuring undergraduate and graduate students, the panel explored a variety of themes related to Black experience and Black excellence at the University.

The BE YU team also offered peer mentoring, a four-session leadership series and is collaborating with Student Success partners and Alumni Affairs to offer a career development series.
Supporting newly admitted transfer students

The Atkinson Centre for Mature & Part-time Students (ACMAPS) led six sessions for new transfer students, collaborating with campus partners, including Recruitment & Admissions and LA&PS Academic Advising. The most impactful session was Newly Admitted: The Transfer Process with the Faculty of LA&PS.

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89% said the sessions were relevant, 100% had vast awareness of the transfer process, 89% understood the program checklist and how credits are allotted and 88% valued learning about ACMAPS
Connecting York students with inclusive and equitable employers

Career Education & Development invited students to connect with hiring recruiters during the Employer Meet & Greet: Diversity and Inclusion Recruitment Event, where they learned about upcoming career opportunities with inclusive and equitable employers. 

Participating employers included BMO Financial Group, Bruce Power, KPMG, Labatt Breweries of Canada, LCBO, NielsenIQ, RBC, Rogers Communications Inc., Scotiabank, SNC-Lavalin and TD Bank Group.

Create Our Future

Save the Date: SDGs in Action Student Challenge Knowledge Fair

The SDGs in Action Knowledge Fair is taking place on Monday, March 28th from 6:30pm to 9:30pm EST online. Come learn and see YorkU students and their peers from around the world research and create action to address the United Nations SDGs. 

Learn more about the Action Knowledge Fair