Monthly Updates: February 2023
FebruaryWhat's New?
Invest in Our People
The Division of Students encouraged all staff to complete an Individual Development Plan (IDP) by Wednesday, February 1. In support of IDPs, a Divisional Learning resource was created to ease access to templates, questions & answers and divisional learning briefs.
The Office of the University Registrar (OUR) Professional Learning Calendar highlights learning activities that have been designed and curated for OUR staff based on six key learning areas.
Reinforce Our Foundation
As follow-up to assessment-related workshops delivered by the Divisional Assessment Analyst, a virtual discussion group has been established. After core concepts of assessment workshops, attendees are invited to continue their learning and development with their peers, and at their own pace.
As a part of Consent Action Week, the Centre hosted a series of educational events that focused on self-advocacy and care with the goal to increase awareness of matters of consent, sharing existing support for survivors and promoting ally engagement.
On Monday, January 23, and Tuesday, January 24, Division of Students colleagues were invited to share their experience and passion for student success at facilitated brainstorming sessions. Attendees were encouraged to think and discuss five specific questions posed by the Vice-Provost, Students.
Impact the Student Journey
Pham and Tesfaye are among 87 global finalists for the McCall MacBain scholarship. They completed a first round of regional interviews and will attend the final round of interviews in Montréal from March 8 to 12, meeting with leaders from academia, business, government and the social sector.
Sixty students received support accessing accommodations, navigating supports and creating schedules during a week-long, winter orientation event, Get Set for Success, for students registered with Student Accessibility Services. This event was offered by peer leaders.
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