Monthly Updates: March 2024

MarchWhat's New?

Invest in Our People

YUAdvise 2024: Partnering for student success

In February, advisors from across the University came together for the 9th annual YUAdvise Conference. Colleagues had the opportunity to learn, innovate and continue building the knowledge and skills required to achieve the community’s vision of becoming leaders in the space.

colleagues participated, and most reported feeling more connected to the advising community as a result of attending the conference.

Impact the Student Journey

Student advising community hosts Winter Pop-up Fair

In February, the advising community came together for a winter edition of the Pop-up Fair. Students had the opportunity to connect with advisors from across the institution to ask questions, learn about services and explore graduate studies and law school.

students attended the Pop-up Fair.
Level Up! Professional Development Day

SAS hosted its first professional development day event in partnership with the Career Centre and Student Community & Leadership Development. Attendees were able to focus on their academic, leadership and career development.

Check out the SAS website
students joined the team for development day.
Graduate student certificate focuses on personal wellness and learning skills

Throughout this 5-week program, graduate students were able to enhance their motivation, reduce stress and connect with peers. As they reflected on personal experiences and applied evidence-based skills, they were able to refine their approach to learning and take action to improve well-being.

Learn more about this program
interactions with graduate students took place during the fall and winter term sessions.

Create Our Future

Strengthening transitions to post-secondary for autistic students and their families

On Thursday, February 22, SAS hosted hybrid sessions focusing on transition, accessing support, strategies for academic success and methods to nurture and strengthen independence. Participants also got the chance to engage in a student panel and tour.

Find upcoming SAS events
high school students, parents and service providers participated in this event.
Launch of the new OUR Intranet

The new OUR Intranet is available to partners across York, and is a central location for a variety of information. Visit the site for key contacts, awards management, employment administration, grades, academic scheduling, room bookings, exams, transfer credits, technology governance and more.

Explore the new OUR Intranet
views since the launch of the new OUR Intranet on Monday, February 12.
Transition day for deaf and hard of hearing students

Deaf and hard of hearing (DHH) high school students, parents and teachers from the Toronto District School Board joined SAS, students and faculty members from the DHH teaching program. Participants learned about transitions through a panel discussion, on a tour and by watching a presentation.

Learn about Student Accessibility Services
students, parents and educators attended the transition event.