Monthly Updates: June 2024
JuneWhat's New?
Invest in Our People
Staff shared an overview of LSS, highlighting services available to students and why learning skills are essential for university learners. Discussions covered best practices for making warm referrals, and how LSS and the Writing Centre could collaborate further to support student success.
Impact the Student Journey
The 2023 launch of the Alumni Career Lounge has showcased a significant change in creating accessible and barrier-free career advising. This initiative has enhanced visibility with campus partners, increased awareness of career supports and improved student engagement.
On Friday, May 31, the MyCreds verify portal became available to confirm whether a student has graduated, and received a degree, from York University.
SAS is hosting Registration Open Houses to support incoming York students and their families/support persons. Participants will learn about services and the registration process with SAS Project ADVANCE peer facilitators.
Create Our Future
Athletics and Recreation hosted the fifth annual Women and Girls Leadership and Sport Conference in April. Beyond Bodies: Navigating Gender in Sport, explored the role of gender, including the impact on access and inclusion, policy and performance expectations.
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