Initiatives In Progress

The fourth year of the OUR Student Advisory Committee is underway! The 2024-25 cohort has met three times so far to share their perspectives and thoughts. Topics included students' service experiences across the student lifecycle and the new SAVY.

This fall, Learning Skills Services is popping up monthly in Vari Hall. Students are invited to participate in games and chat with friendly and knowledgeable Learning Skills peers.

This Month @ Markham is a biweekly newsletter that provides timely updates, and fosters a sense of community among students, faculty and staff at Markham.

Student Accessibility Services hosted Get Set for Success welcome weeks. Sessions helped students set up their academic accommodations and navigate York supports.

Markham Campus has officially opened its doors to its first full cohort of students, marking a significant milestone. The launch includes an innovative student services model, a proud achievement for the Division of Students. We extend our gratitude to all who made this possible!

Student Accessibility Services is hosting Transition Tuesday workshops to answer questions about the academic accommodation process, introduce students to key campus supports and help facilitate a successful transition to York.

The SAS Project ADVANCE facilitators team have been hosting socials, campus tours and skill-based workshops to support students with disabilities as they transition to York.

SAS is hosting Registration Open Houses to support incoming York students and their families/support persons. Participants will learn about services and the registration process with SAS Project ADVANCE peer facilitators.

OIPA's Data and Analytics Community of Engagement met for the second time to receive demonstrations of York's most common data dashboards, delivered by guest speakers from across the University. The community also viewed the new framework for strategic enrolment management.

This winter, workshops will be held in a safe community space, and led by a LSS Indigenous peer. The peer's Learning Skills knowledge, and awareness of the needs of Indigenous students, creates a culturally relevant academic support that aims to bolster the success of Indigenous students.

Student Accessibility Services began hosting therapy dog afternoons to support students' well-being during stressful fall term periods. These sessions allowed registrants to de-stress while spending time with a furry friend.

In collaboration with the Faculty of Graduate Studies, Student Accessibility Services hosted its first workshop for prospective graduate students with disabilities. The session focused on applying to graduate studies and the academic accommodations available on campus to support their transition.

Over the first three weeks of the term, students were supported through the Get Set for Success initiative. Peer leaders worked one-on-one with students to prepare them for the term by helping send their letters of accommodation and signing them up for accommodated tests and exams.

During Consent Action Week, community members can attend a series of educational events teaching how to communicate consent and desire to partners, managing rejection, reclaiming personal agency and feeling safe and empowered in situations that may require self-defence.

The Division of Students creates Learning Briefs to support professional development and on-the-job learning. Facilitating a successful focus group means more than reading a list of questions. Our Divisional Assessment Analyst has curated resources to help you gain the skills you need!

A group of 50 students and faculty gathered for a panel discussion with Mitacs interns about their experiences as York students. Mitacs is a not-for-profit national research organization that operates research and training programs in fields related to industrial and social innovation.

Christina Abounassar, Accessibility Counsellor at SAS created, and co-chairs, the Ontario BIPOC Counsellor & Accessibility Counsellor Group for over 16 different institutions and expanding. The group won the President’s Award for Innovation in Student Learning & Success from Niagara College.
With new leadership in Athletics & Recreation, the team has been taking time to reflect and engage in collaborative discussions. Connecting with colleagues will holistically guide future planning initiatives going forward for the development of key priorities for the next two years.

The Division of Students creates Learning Briefs to support professional development and on-the-job learning. This month a new learning brief about peer-led learning groups and communities of practice is available to encourage connection between colleagues and stimulate learning.

Come along for a tour as Athletics & Recreation's new Executive Director, Steven Chuang, visits the Tait Mackenzie Centre and saw what changed after he had graduated as a York alumnus.

Learning Skills Services (LSS) sponsored a community-based project with the EDST 4999 course, providing students an opportunity to gain practical experience in the education sector. Students created an interactive, asynchronous "playground" eClass that will be used later to develop an LSS eClass.

Since launching the Letters of Accommodation (LOA) portal in 2021, students have experienced a more seamless and accessible process with more than 25,000 letters delivered during the school terms. Prior to 2021, students were responsible for providing each of their professors with their LOAs.

Student-athletes and coaches of Asian descent were promoted by Athletics & Recreation in May. Students and coaches answered questions about Asian Heritage Month and what it means to them, which were published on the York Lions social media channels.

The Black Excellence at York University (BEYU) team launched the Black Excellence Network: A Community of Practice on April 19. It brings together members of the York community and community partners who aim to create and sustain conditions where Black Students are seen, supported and celebrated.

Staff are engaging in a five-part learning series on effective business writing. The sessions, presented by the Strategy, Planning & Projects Team with the Office of the University Registrar, focus on understanding and practicing simple and straightforward writing and writing with empathy.

Initiatives included a student-led Black Excellence speaker series & BHM fashion line. Black student-athletes and coaches were profiled throughout the month & Winston Larose received a YU Lions lifetime achievement award.

Implementation for the new curriculum management system (CMS), Kuali, began in 2016. Kuali CMS includes course program and degree program information. We are currently working to leverage Kuali course program & degree program records to underpin the undergrad academic calendar publication.

The Office of the University Registrar (OUR) will launch a new way for staff to apply for Individual Professional Learning funding to support staff learning, development and growth. This builds upon the completion of Individual Development Plans outlining staff learning goals for the year ahead.

Developed in collaboration with campus partners, the 2022-23 Digital Program Marketing Strategy launched in September. The strategy includes 13 advertising campaigns that support Student Recruitment & Admissions application goals.

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Action Student Challenge empowers students around the world to act on the achievement of action projects. In workshops and discussions, students will develop global competencies, leadership and project management skills to take action on SDGs.

On Thursday, Nov. 17, the Sustainable on the Go (SOTG) virtual conference will bring together students, scholars, policymakers, sustainability experts and UN organizations to discuss international mobility and the challenges and opportunities of navigating in higher education.

GNL enables collaboration with students and Faculties around the world, integrating vast perspectives in the classroom. With education technologies, they work on a variety of discussions. Information and workshop sessions will take place on select dates in 2022 and 2023 for faculty.

CED, York International and an industry partner collaborated on a joint initiative to create 13 employment opportunities for students with refugee status and students that were forcibly displaced due to conflict, persecution, human rights violations and violence.

Six pre-arrival webinars provided valuable information to incoming international and exchange students. The series covered topics such as, what to pack when moving to Toronto, academic supports, health and wellness and ways to get involved on campus. Recordings can be found on the website.

York International is preparing to welcome incoming international students with a return to in-person orientation. Over three days, students will meet their peers, learn about campus services and participate in exciting activities aimed at easing the transition to a new country and campus life.

The 2nd annual York2York kicks off this June, as York U travels virtually around the world starting from our Keele Campus to our Schulich School of Business campus in India.

Participate in this month’s events and sport the Lion's Pride Collection gear.

All York students now have greater access to mental wellness student support through keep.meSAFE, which includes 24/7 multilingual counselling options. Student Counselling, Health & Well-being is working with other support units to promote this update.

Since 2021, the Student Systems team has been configuring the Student Information System to be Markham-ready, a critical part the campus' launch. The admissions phase (the first of three distinct phases, which also includes enrolment and reports) is now complete and the project remains on track.

The first Student Advisory Committee (SAC) provided valuable feedback throughout the 2021-22 academic year on opportunities to improve the student experience. Based on this insight, the Office of the University Registrar will be launching applications to join the 2022-23 SAC in early fall.

York Lions are proud of the exceptional Asian student-athletes and coaches who are part of the varsity community and Asian Heritage Month is a chance to highlight their accomplishments and contributions. Throughout May, profiles of Lions will be shared weekly.

The Black Excellence & Grit Black & Indigenous Varsity Student-Athlete Alliance Speaker Series features outstanding Black members of the community presenting on topics highlighting Black excellence and achievement. Sessions are virtual, ongoing throughout the year and available to all.

The Keele-Markham Collaboration Framework will guide the relationships and collaboration between Markham and Keele colleagues in the development and operationalization of student services at the Markham campus. It has been tested and finalized throughout the winter term.

This fall 2022 students will access the Student Equity & Diversity Census during their course enrolment. The Census pilot launched (via email) with a 20% response rate in fall 2021.

Procrastination Awareness Week offers students from across North America a virtual study hall and a series of remote learning skills workshops in March. The YorkU Learning Commons will be presenting our YU Got This!: Academic Tips & Tools for End of Term workshop as part of this week.

The Vari Hall Kiosk re-opened in late January to support students returning to in-person activities at York's Keele Campus. The kiosk is open from Monday to Thursday and is run by the Student Engagement Team who can answer questions, such as wayfinding, services and getting involved on campus.

The Division of Students is hosting multiple events during Black History Month (BHM), including, but not limited to: Black Excellence in COVID Times: Connections & Conversations Celebrating Black History Month; Career Resources for Black Students; Racialized Students Support Groups and more.

Anmol Kaur (BA'22) is in the running for the McCall MacBain Scholarships, Canada’s first comprehensive, leadership-based scholarship program for master’s and professional studies. Kaur will be among 50 Canadian finalists representing 28 universities at a final round of interviews in March.

Envision YU, a collaboration between Learning Commons and Teaching Commons, was featured in University Affairs magazine. The article featured their work on an eClass toolkit that provides accessible career training in the classroom. It is expected to launch to faculty during the winter term.
The Art of Letting Go workshop encourages participants to explore different and creative ways to release stress. Attendees go through a series of process-focused art and mindfulness practices. No prior art experience is required to join this workshop.

Join the Centre for Sexual Violence Response, Support & Education as we raise awareness about consent during Consent Action Week at York U from Jan. 24 to 28. Virtual workshops, guest lectures and training is open to students, staff and faculty.

The Virtual Welcome campaign bridges the return to in-person learning. QR codes are displayed at key service points across campus offering the community virtual access to the Start Strong YU website, the campus map, the SAVY virtual assistant and live chats with Student Engagement Ambassadors.

The website redevelopment project, led by the Communications & Marketing team in partnership with experts across the Division, will deliver engaging, relevant and timely information to students in a user-friendly manner. Websites will be completed by summer 2022.

In December, VPS leaders joined staff from across the University in a visioning session to establish a collaboration and support framework between the Keele and Markham campuses. This framework will guide VPS Working Groups tasked to develop and implement Markham's students services.
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This 10-part eLearning series, This Place: 150 Years Retold, is based on the groundbreaking and critically acclaimed graphic novel anthology. Launched this fall, each session guides participants through the stories that reflect a rich history of Indigenous resistance and resilience.

The Communications & Marketing Team successfully launched digital marketing campaigns to support student recruitment, internationalization and strategic enrolment management priorities. Campaigns engaged prospective students around the world using Google Ads, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and more.

SAS is part of a pan-university group aiming to support students in settings outside the classroom. The Academic Requirements in Placements, Practicums, Experiential Education and the WIL Working Group developed two resources to support the creation of effective accommodations.

Recruitment & Admissions, Communications & Marketing and Student Systems are developing plans to recruit and admit our first class cohort (Fall 2023) at Markham! A major milestone is the recent refresh of the Markham website where prospective students and their parents can see the program offerings.

From October to December 2021, Art Therapy group sessions are available for all York University community members. Participate and explore the therapeutic benefits of art making, such as: self-expression, stress relief, relaxation, and much more!

This campaign, Kindness is the New Normal, is being celebrated and encouraged throughout the community during the months of October and November 2021.

The Office of the University Registrar (OUR) is developing strategic priorities, aspirational goals, and supporting actions that align with the Division of Student's Strategic Plan. OUR staff reviewed the draft OUR plan on October 14 and 15. The final OUR plan will be released in early November.

This year, 12 courses will feature GNL collaborations in AMPD, LA&PS, Education, Health, and Glendon College. The GNL Project team will also be hosting free monthly information sessions and weekly drop-ins for York U faculty and staff to learn about the pedagogy, funding, and supports.

This September 2021, the second edition of the Program welcomes Indigenous students from York University and their peers in Australia, Ecuador, Mexico, and the Philippines. The students will engage in weekly dialogue and collaborative projects around themes relating to Global Indigeneity.

In collaboration with many units across campus, York International supported the arrival of 1600+ students to Canada. The Quarantine Implementation team continues to facilitate support, accommodations, webinars, and daily check-ins for international students as they prepare to join us on campus.

This Fall, York University is launching the second edition of the International Indigenous Student Exchange Program which aims to provide opportunities for dialogue and cooperation between Indigenous York students and their peers in Australia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico and the Philippines.

We can't wait to welcome students to York this Fall! Start Strong YU motivates, supports, and reassures students by bringing back-to-class, campus access, and student services information on one website. The site includes helpful resources, informational videos, and a directory of student services.

York introduced the Student Services stream within the SEP, co-sponsored by Darran Fernandez and Dean McMurtry. The team just completed focus groups with students, an important step to improving processes and structures at York. This feedback will be vital in informing University initiatives.

Student Counselling, Health & Well-being launched its inaugural Health & Wellness Student Needs Assessment Survey in June to better understand student perceptions on health and well-being services. Data from the survey will be used to evaluate and enhance services available to York students.

In Fall 2021, York will launch its inaugural Student Equity & Diversity Census. To serve all our students, we must first know more about them. The Census will support our commitment to creating inclusive learning environments through better understanding the characteristics of our student body.

SAVY, York's Student Virtual Assistant, has reached the final stage of CUCCIO's 2021 Innovation Awards, honouring IT projects that advance teaching, learning, research or administration in Canadian higher ed. Congratulations to the team members who contributed to this nomination and SAVY's success.

Hosted by the Fitness & Lifestyles Team, Athletics & Recreation invites students, staff and faculty to sign-up for a virtual journey to York’s Las Nubes EcoCampus in Costa Rica. Work together to travel the distance by walking, running, hiking, biking, blading, swimming, exercising, and more.

Mothering has been frontline work during this pandemic. To provide a safer space for moms, The Centre is hosting weekly sessions for moms to share, connect, support each other, build community, and discuss coping strategies.

Over the past year, the OUR engaged in an external review process that made various recommendations, including creating a strategic plan. Across the OUR, staff engaged in meaningful conversations about the process and the development of a strategic plan that is student centered and service focused.

Led by the VPS Communications & Marketing team, Divisional websites are undergoing major redevelopment to centre on user experiences and student journeys. Consultations are underway for key websites. Other sites across the Division will be introduced to the project starting Fall 2021.

A new suite of templates has been developed to help Divisional units map, plan and execute yearly communication activities. The templates will strengthen relationships and collaboration between units to advance the student experience. More information will be shared with units in the near future.

YI in partnership with faculties and 30+ global partners supported the participation of 300+ students in Globally Networked Learning, virtual exchanges, and remote internships, helping them develop global and intercultural perspectives and digital skills. More info on Global Engagement enewsletter!

Led by the Black and Indigenous Varsity Student-Athlete Alliance (BIVSAA), Athletics & Recreation Launches the Black Excellence & Grit Speaker Series. This series intentionally places a Black lens on conversations related to identity, social justice and professionalism.

This year, York joined ARUCC to deliver digital documents to students through MyCreds - a trusted, centralized digital wallet that is easily accessible. This development is a critical step in modernizing our services to meet student needs and help them succeed, which is a central tenet of the UAP.
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