Initiatives by Office of Student Community Relations

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This campaign, Kindness is the New Normal, is being celebrated and encouraged throughout the community during the months of October and November 2021.

Spread Kindness
This is a semester like no other. As we all adjust to new ways of being around each other, let’s show kindness online and in-person as we return to campus this Fall and Winter.
Kindness is the New Normal and it all begins with YU.

This is a semester like no other. One thing we all have in common is that we are all adjusting to a new normal. This adjustment all begins with YU. This fall, we launched the Kindness Campaign complete with tips for spreading kindness, a Kindness Toolkit, and a list of support services for students.

Spread Kindness across our Community
page views to the Kindness Campaign website since it launched this September 2021.
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