Initiatives by Strategic Initiatives
Markham Campus has officially opened its doors to its first full cohort of students, marking a significant milestone. The launch includes an innovative student services model, a proud achievement for the Division of Students. We extend our gratitude to all who made this possible!
Spotlighting York’s journey, Cristina Bregar and Lara Ubaldi illustrated how the relationships we build with each other and with students can unleash the power to elevate advising practice across an institution.
OIPA's Data and Analytics Community of Engagement met for the second time to receive demonstrations of York's most common data dashboards, delivered by guest speakers from across the University. The community also viewed the new framework for strategic enrolment management.
OIPA launched the Data and Analytics Community of Engagement, with support from OVPS and Organizational Learning and People Excellence. The community provides a place for Faculty and staff to grow personal connections, and learn about York's data and analytics environment.
The Division of Students creates Learning Briefs to support professional development and on-the-job learning. Facilitating a successful focus group means more than reading a list of questions. Our Divisional Assessment Analyst has curated resources to help you gain the skills you need!
The Assessment Community of Practice has created a resource to support Division of Students colleagues with program assessments and evaluations. The new Assessment Framework contains considerations and recommendations on how to set the right intentions, ask the right questions, and support students.
The Division of Students creates Learning Briefs to support professional development and on-the-job learning. This month a new learning brief about peer-led learning groups and communities of practice is available to encourage connection between colleagues and stimulate learning.
The second Core Concepts of Program Assessment & Evaluation workshop was held on March 29 to increase shared understanding of concepts identified in the CACUSS competency model. Staff were introduced to assessment and how it can be applied to their professional practice.
The Division of Students encouraged all staff to complete an Individual Development Plan (IDP) by Wednesday, February 1. In support of IDPs, a Divisional Learning resource was created to ease access to templates, questions & answers and divisional learning briefs.
As follow-up to assessment-related workshops delivered by the Divisional Assessment Analyst, a virtual discussion group has been established. After core concepts of assessment workshops, attendees are invited to continue their learning and development with their peers, and at their own pace.
On Monday, January 23, and Tuesday, January 24, Division of Students colleagues were invited to share their experience and passion for student success at facilitated brainstorming sessions. Attendees were encouraged to think and discuss five specific questions posed by the Vice-Provost, Students.
The first Core Concepts of Assessment workshop was held on November 23, with 28 staff members in attendance. Core concepts are identified in the CACUSS competency model. Staff increased their knowledge of assessment methods and learned why they are an important part of our professional practice.
The Assessment Community of Practice is a member-driven resource to help deepen knowledge and understanding among assessment experts in the Division of Students. They provide an informal space to refine approaches and practices, brainstorm solutions to challenges and celebrate successes.
The annual report captures stories, initiatives and projects that have advanced the 5-Year Strategic Plan. Learn about recent achievements and celebrate the Division's successes over the last two years.
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